WARNING: This Skincare Routine You're About To Discover Will Lead You To A Life Full Of Happiness And Confidence! Say Goodbye To Acne Breakouts For Good!

"The Incredibly Effective, Surprisingly Affordable, And Insanely Powerful Acne-Killing Skin Care Routine I Wished I Knew About 10 Years Ago"

Discover The Exact Steps Of This Life-Changing Skincare Routine That Will Reclaim Your Glow And Confidence -- Without Costly Consultations And Complicated Treatments!

3 Years na ako sa KAG and I'm Very Happy With The Result!

Bumalik na ang confidence ko sa pag harap sa ibang tao. Napaka-positive po ng dating sakin. Thank you ulit and God bless!

Sherelyn B.  //  KAG Member Since 2020

Dear Friend

You’ve done it all!

You’ve finished your research and finally found the best skincare treatment that will clear your acne for good!

You’re so fired up and excited! 

You even stopped eating your favorite comfort food (Coco Salted Caramel Milk Tea, Angus Beef Pizza, M&M's, KitKat, Pistachio Nuts) and other "acne-causing" food. All for the sake of having clear skin.

Actually, you’re all set toward your goal. A life full of confidence and free of acne. Wala nang makakapigil!

However, after months of doing it…

The Acne Curse Didn’t Go Away! Mas Lumala Pa Sila

Some pimples started to cause PERMANENT SCARS already…

You already missed 3 job interviews…

You started to decline invitations from your family and friends…

You are barely going out of your room because of embarrassment…

You Start To Realize That Acne Is Slowly Ruining Your Life. You Are Not The Person You Used To Be Anymore.

Depressed and desperate but you still didn’t give up!

You spent so many hours again on Facebook, Google, and YouTube trying to find products and skin care clinics with the best reviews.

But after following ALL of them with all your heart, nandyan pa din si acne. 

Talagang hindi sila mawala wala.

Products didn’t work.

Dermatologists didn’t help either.

But you know there’s a solution. One way or another.

You see other people being successful in clearing acne using only simple products.

Pero bakit sayo, hindi effective?

So you went back again to Facebook, Google, and YouTube to do research.

Unfortunately this time…

You Got Overwhelmed With The Numbers Of Products And Treatments Available and Got Stuck. You Don’t Know What To Do Next…

If you are everything that was written above, do not worry. Because you are not alone.

I was the same as you before, I’ve tried everything as well.

Products and treatments with good or bad reviews, all of them didn’t work.

After years of suffering from acne, I finally found the reason why.

All you have to do is ask yourself this eye-opening question…

But before I reveal that to you, I would like to introduce myself first.

Being acne free allows me to confidently face the world again without hesitations.

Hi, my name is Jessica Smith. I’m the founder of Kiss Acne Goodbye.

My mission is to help people achieve clear skin in the most simple, affordable yet very powerful and effective way possible.

I've been cleared of acne since 2014 when I discovered this life-changing skincare routine.

These past years of me being cleared from acne are one the happiest moments in my life!

Sabi ko sa sarili ko noon na once I'm cleared, there’s no going back.

I will forget this acne nightmare, do my skincare routine every day, and move on with my life.

But when I see someone suffering from the horrors of having acne...

It pains me because I’ve been there and I know how it feels.

I know the struggle, I really do.

But hey, my journey is NOT easy.

I failed so many times, hindi na mabilang.

I've tried so many products and consulted lots of dermatologists. 

Pero walang naging effective!

But I grew and learned a lot.

All these failures and challenges got me thinking...

"If Products And Skin Care Clinics Are Enough To Effectively Clear Acne, Why Are You Not Clear Yet?"

This question hits me hard!

Oo nga no, there are thousands of products in the market and there are hundreds of skin care clinics in the Philippines.

We are already drowning with products and treatments available. Kaliwa't kanan sila lahat.

But why do lots of people still struggle in clearing acne?

After all the trial and error, it eventually led me to 3 important realizations:

#1 - Lack of The Right Mindset

We are all focused on finding the perfect product and treatment.

But if it didn't give the results we want in a short period of time, we will immediately quit and look for another one.

The cycle never ends. We will "Product Hunt" Forever!

We are all impatient and want instant progress or results.

Having this approach will definitely hold us back towards clear skin.


Because we have to understand that Treating Acne Takes Time And Commitment.

Before Asking The "HOW", Change Your Mindset First

Treating acne effectively is like a marathon, not a sprint. We have to be disciplined and committed enough for amazing results to show.

Parang pag-diet lang yan if you want to lose weight. You have to invest time and effort. There is no instant miracle na after 3 to 5 days slim ka na agad.

You might be using the right products all along. Pero if you have the wrong approach and mindset, maiinip ka sigurado. Lilipat ka nanaman sa iba. Recipe for disaster ang ganitong mindset. And this was me before. I am guilty of this.

#2 - Lack of Support Group

Now that you fixed your mindset, it's time for you to get support from people who UNDERSTAND your situation.

Because one of the hardest parts of suffering from acne is fighting it alone.

People wouldn't really understand your situation unless they're in the same boat as you.

That's why you need a support group.

If you have questions, they will be answered.

If you're losing hope, you'll get encouragement.

If you need guidance, help is on its way.

This support group will easily eliminate your frustrations.

That's why you have to surround yourself with like-minded people. It's very vital to your success towards clear skin.

3. Not Using The Right Products

You've fixed your mindset and are now surrounded by the right people who will support you throughout your journey...

It's time for you to find the right products.

I spent 10 years of my life finding the best product for treating acne and I can easily say that it's Benzoyl Peroxide.

Nothing ever comes close. Here's why:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide oxygenates the skin and kills Propionibacterium Acnes instantly! A harmless bacterium found in human skin that is known to cause the inflammation of acne! These bacteria instantly die when exposed to oxygen!

  • Since it kills P. Acnes instantly, it quickly reduces acne inflammation

  • Won’t have any bacterial resistance like antibiotics (Clindamycin etc…)

  • Being used as an acne treatment since the 1960s up until now.

  • Very easy to get! BP is an over-the-counter topical medicine. You can easily buy at any Watsons Or Mercury Drug Store

  • Literally, your one-way ticket to clear skin, if combined properly with gentle washing and moisturizing!

Going forward, I was able to come up with what I call the "Kiss Acne Goodbye Formula":

Right Mindset + Amazing Support Group + Right Products = ACNE FREE SKIN

In 3 months' time, this is the simple formula that cleared my acne for good. It has revived my confidence so I can face the world again without hesitations! Literally The Best Feeling Ever!

  • Gone are the days when I decline my friends whenever they invite me for a get-together because of how bad-looking my acne was.

  • I don't feel anxious anymore when someone looks at my face.

  • I was now able to do the things I love which are traveling and embarking on outdoor adventures. Facing the world confidently without conditions!

  • Most importantly, my mental health drastically improved! Say goodbye to episodes of depression caused by bad acne.

If I was able to defeat my acne nightmare, SO ARE YOU! And It's never too late to turn things around as I'm here to help you!

Now tell me, do you want to speed up your progress and clear acne for good as fast and easy as possible?

Are you really dead serious to break the shackles of this curse?

If yes, then you need to have a coach. Your "been there, done that" person.


Because doing this all by yourself can be really difficult.

For the ladies, let's say you aspire to be a Miss Universe someday.

Or an NBA Superstar for the guys.

Would it be so much better to be coached by Catriona Gray or Pia Wurtzbach than figuring out everything on your own?

How about Lebron James, Stephen Curry, or Michael Jordan personally guiding you on how to properly shoot the ball?

That would absolutely give you a faster result and a much higher success rate, right? Having a coach will help you eliminate weeks, months, or even years of trial and error!

You get my point :)

I want you to imagine this for a minute...

Waking up on a Monday morning with a smile on your face, motivated and excited!

You checked your phone and saw messages from your friends, reminding you of dinner after work.

You told them you’d gladly join and even sent a wacky selfie without worrying about your appearance.

Now, as you prepare for morning coffee, you see the mirror across your room, briefly stare at your acne-free face, and say:

“FINALLY!!! Nothing’s gonna hold me back anymore! I can finally face the world without limits!”

While at work, you can now talk to someone looking straight in the eyes without feeling anxious. NO MORE SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES!

Instead of isolating yourself and thinking about how bad your face is, you are now joining fruitful conversations with your colleagues.

BEFORE, you were always in a hurry to go home and lock yourself up in your room, lonely and depressed, like you just don’t want to go out anymore.

NOW, you willingly joined dinner with friends and had lots of memorable moments. No more alibis that you can’t come just because of how bad-looking your acne was.

Then at home, time for a few moments with family before going to bed.

How does it feel? Yung tipong araw araw kang gigising na excited knowing you're acne free already.

It’s beyond perfect, right?

With this simple skincare routine, I was able to live life to the fullest again and create these amazing memories with my loved ones.

I believe that living life to the fullest starts with clear skin. Now is your time!

Again, if I was able to overcome acne, so can you! And I'm here to show you the fastest way to achieve it.

Now with your permission, I’d like to introduce to you my life-changing skincare program called:

The Kiss Acne Goodbye Blueprint

Say Goodbye to Acne Breakouts! Achieve Clear Skin Completely In 3 To 6 Months (or even FASTER) Using The “Kiss Acne Goodbye Method” – GUARANTEED

This is the in-depth guide of the 3-Step Routine where I reveal more and all of my

secrets in clearing acne as easily and efficiently as possible. Here's what you'll discover:

  •  Video of Me Doing the Regimen Step-By-Step (No more guessing game! All you have to do is follow!) - Page 45
  • Acne Myths You Thought Were Right All Along (#5 is insane! Hard to believe but true.) - Page 22
  • 6 Alarming Mistakes You Have To Avoid Or Your Acne Won't Go Away.(#2 is the worst of the worst!) - Page 24
  • The Perfect Sunscreen/Sunblock To Use While You Treat Your Acne. (Are you a beach bum? Always outdoors? Worry no more as this will definitely protect your skin from the sun without clogging your pores!) - Page 26
  • The Best Foundation To Use In Covering Up Pimples Without CloggingYour Pores. (This foundation is a life saver. You don’t have to miss out onlife while you treat acne. Go anywhere and do what you want! Treat andconceal it is!) - Page 27
  • Revealed: The 3 EXACT products I use (The best of best among therecommended products. You only need these 3 over-the-counter products to end acne forgood, once and for all) - Page 28
  • Benzoyl Peroxide Dosage Chart (How much BP should I put as I go through the process? See it here!) - Page 35
  • Lifetime Access To K.A.G Private Facebook Support Group (One of thehardest and most challenging parts of clearing acne is doing it alone. That's why Icreated a group of like-minded people where we can support, motivate,and guide each other. 1 Regimen, 3 Products, 1 Goal. And that is to finallyachieve clear skin. I post tons of values as well inside from time to time) - Page 45
  •  Very Important Thing You Need To Know Before Doing Other Treatments - Page 41
  •  Additional Tips: To Help You Hasten The Process of Clearing Acne With Ease - Page 42
  • ✔️ Know How This Acne Battle Changed My Life. And How It Will Change Yours Too - Page 43
  • ✔️ And A Whole Lot More

But Wait, The Value Doesn’t Stop There. You Will Get These Amazing Bonuses Too! 

Bonus # 1

Lifetime access to our Private Kiss Acne Goodbye Support Facebook Group. 


One of the hardest parts of suffering from acne is fighting it alone. Many people won't understand what you're going through especially if they're not in your situation.

That's why I created this Facebook group for KAG Members only.

It’s a place where we collaborate, share ideas, celebrate small and big wins, inspire, motivate, and all the things that'll lead us to success in this journey. I post a lot of tips and value as well from time to time.

This is not just a simple Facebook group. Being part of this is like having a family where they help and encourage each other to succeed. You can ask questions and get answers in an INSTANT!

NOTE: Access to our exclusive Facebook page is located on page 45 of the KAG Blueprint.

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll see inside:

Bonus # 2

Video of Me Doing the Regimen Step-By-Step (Value: PRICELESS)

Bonus # 2

No more guessing games! No more wasted time! Here's me doing the KAG skincare routine. All you have to do is just FOLLOW. Yup, susundan mo na lang.

I want to make this as easy as possible for you. Spoiled ka sa akin eh :)

In this 3-Minute video, I'll demonstrate:

  • How To Properly Wash Your Face

  • How To Properly Dry Your Face With Towel After

  • How To Apply Benzoyl Peroxide The Right Way

  • How To Properly Moisturize

This Simple 3-Step Routine will be your one-way ticket to clear skin -- GUARANTEED!

Note: This video is uploaded inside our exclusive Facebook Group.

Bonus # 3

Progress Timeline Feat. Shel -- One of the successful KAG Members.


Shel is one of our successful KAG members. She was able to clear her life-wrecking acne in 3 months' time using the KAG Method.

I documented everything from day one! Dates and photos are included for your reference as well.

This is very helpful so you would know your progress. Hindi ka mawawala, hindi ka maliligaw! An in-depth and very realistic timeline to guide each and every one of you.

Bonus # 4

Direct Access To Me (Value: PRICELESS)

I'll give you my personal email address so you can have direct access to me. You can email me anytime and ask me anything about your journey to clear skin and I'll respond to you within 24 to 48 hours.

You're unsure what's the next step to take? Overwhelmed with all the things you need to do?

No problem! Just send me an email and I'll help you to get clarity and direction so you can take action confidently. I'll be with you every step of the way.

Does This Work? Well, Don't Take My Word For It.

Here's what the K.A.G Members Say:

"Ok, so how much is the KAG Blueprint?"

By now, you must be excited to join the Kiss Acne Goodbye Family and start your journey toward a life full of confidence that's FREE of acne.

But before I jump into the details…let's compare it to other popular treatments like consulting Belo or Aivee Clinic.

Their services will definitely cost hundreds of thousands of pesos! And for sure you have to undergo multiple treatment sessions to achieve amazing results.

Initial expense pa lang yan ha, hindi pa kasama yung mga products na gagamitin after for maintenance. Dagdag na din natin yung gas/transpo since kailangan mo bumalik for your next session.

No doubt, it requires you to invest a lot of time and money if you choose that way.

Fact is, not many people have P100,000+ to afford top-tier clinics in the country.

On the other hand, I can personally guide you on How To Effectively Clear Acne For Good In Just 3 Simple Steps using only 3 Over-The-Counter Products that you can buy in any Watsons or Mercury Drug Store.

What's more amazing? You can do our skincare routine in the comforts of your home! Even if you're traveling. As long as you have access to clean water then you're good to go.

But I will definitely not ask you to invest P100,000+ to join K.A.G. Not even P50,000 or P15,000.

The Kiss Acne Goodbye Blueprint Costs P10,000

That's a very tiny investment compared to other treatment options out there.

Remember, I'll guide you personally and you will have direct access to me via my personal email.

Plus, you'll also get access to the "Kiss Acne Goodbye Private Facebook Group" where you'll receive LIFETIME support from our growing community with over 100+ members.

So what are you waiting for?

To order and get instant access with your credit card (via Paypal), just click the button below:

To order through Bank Transfer, GCash, and Maya:

Step 1. TRANSFER YOUR PAYMENT - One-time easy payment of 10,000 using any of the following details below:

Gcash Account Number: 09165639975

Account Name: Jessica Smith

Maya Account Number: 09165639975

Account Name: Jessica Smith

BDO Savings Account Number: 006780735492

Account Name: Jessica Smith/Carlito Initorio III

BPI Account Number: 0589213497

Account Name: Jessica Smith

UnionBank Account Number: 109658063790

Account Name: Jessica Smith

Step 2. SEND US THE PROOF OF PAYMENT - Once successful, take a picture/screenshot or download the receipt.

Email the screenshot together with your complete name and phone number to [email protected] for verification. Include the subject "KAG Blueprint Payment"

Step 3. Once payment is verified, we will email you the KAG Blueprint right away. It is a PDF file so you can access it instantly using any device. (Payment verification will take 24 hours)

money back


60 day guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee for 60-Days

Get The World's Most Unusual Money Back Guarantee

Purchase With Confidence...It's Risk Free!

If this 3-Step KAG Method didn't even make any improvements or clear a single acne from your face within 60 days.

Or if you're unhappy or unsatisfied for any reason during those 60 days with your purchase.

Just send me an email and I will refund your money. No questions asked.

Backed and supported by 100+ KAG Members, I am very confident that this will work for you.

Just promise me that you're willing to put in the work and effort.

You have nothing to risk or lose by investing in this life-changing, skin care program towards acne-free life and full of confidence! The payoff could be huge and well worth your time and investment.

So what are you waiting for?

Now That You Made It This Far, You Are Only Left With 3 Options:

Option 1: Do Nothing: You could do nothing and stay where you are. Just hope and pray that someday your body will naturally grow out of acne. But when? Remember adult acne is real. Lots of people in their 40s and 50s still suffer from acne. Are you willing to wait that long before you can fully enjoy life again and confidently face the world?

Option 2: Do It Alone: There are tons of information on the internet on how to clear acne. You can even use my free report alone. Sure, you might find success but this doesn't totally eliminate the risk of you burning out if you didn't get the results you want. Are you really okay with weeks, months, or even years of trial and error?

Option 3: Join Kiss Acne Goodbye: The smartest and best choice! Speed up your progress and 10x your success rate by getting guidance from a person that's "been there, done that". From someone who has already gotten success and effectively cleared acne for good.

Be part of a family where everyone helps and encourages each other to succeed. A group of like-minded people with one goal: To live life to the fullest without hesitations. And that starts by being acne free!

I know you'll only make the smartest and best decision.

Thanks for taking the time to read this page and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

To your clear skin,

Jessica Smith

P.S - In case you're one of those people who just skip to the end, here's the deal:

I cannot wait to give you direct access to the Kiss Acne Goodbye Blueprint.

This is where you'll discover The Exact Steps Of The Life-Changing Skincare Routine That Will Reclaim Your Glow And Confidence -- Without Costly Consultations And Complicated Treatments!

Literally your one-way ticket to clear skin!

P.P.S - Act fast as I can only accommodate a few members at a time. I will only accept 20 12 in this batch.

Why? Because Quality over Quantity as always.

I'll make sure that I can properly handle every question and inquiry of the new members including the old ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This For?

For the people who are sick and tired of having this life-wrecking acne. Yung tipong sukang suka na. They have already tried lots of treatments and products but none really worked.

Do You Also Provide The Products We Use?

No. You have to purchase them separately. All products mentioned in the KAG program are over-the-counter. They're widely available in any major drugstore nationwide. Specifically Watsons and Mercury Drug.

Why Do You Accept Very Few New Members At A Time?

So I can focus and answer inquiries in a timely manner. Accepting lots of new members right away will absolutely give me a hard time attending to their concerns. Quality over Quantity as always. Plus, I have a life outside KAG :)

Will This Work For Me?

This works 100% and I guarantee you that. Just promise me that you'll put in the work and follow every instruction provided by the program. You see, if for some strange reason the KAG Program did not significantly clear your acne in 60 days. I’ll refund you 100%, plus you can keep the ebook just for the inconvenience.

When Will I Receive The KAG Blueprint Ebook Once Paid?

You can download it instantly if you use your credit card to purchase. After your payment on the Paypal page, just click "Return to merchant" and you will be redirected to a page where you can instantly download the ebook. If you pay via bank transfer or Gcash, we will send you the ebook right away once we verify your payment within 24 hours.

Do You Have Any Success Stories? 

A lot! You have seen some of them on this page and you will see a lot more inside our Kiss Acne Goodbye Private Facebook Group!

What are you waiting for? Join the KAG Family now and we can't wait to be with you on your journey to clear skin and life full of confidence! 

© 2024 Kiss Acne Goodbye PH

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. The information provided on this website and in my ebook is based on personal experience and research, and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new skincare routine or using over-the-counter products mentioned here. Individual results may vary. Follow the instructions and warnings provided by product manufacturers. The author and publisher are not liable for any damages or adverse effects resulting from the use of this information.